Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Chicken Rice Balls and Irish Coffee-isn't that what you do in Melaka?

Three day weekend last weekend, so Alan and I headed to Melaka, Malaysia.

In full pursuit of the Nonya and Baba experience we arrived after a five hour bus ride and the munching of the salvia sucking Chinese Hock Hoe Seng Sesame buns.

Melaka was a little disappointing on arrival-lack of zoning and planning made me a little hesitant but the old part of town
- Jonker Street- was what we were looking for- little streets with the old Peranakan style homes are still intact.

We spent the first night in one of them-well the front part of the hotel was an old home, the rooms were in an addition which was disappointing but we soon got over that as charm or 'experience' was restored as when we came home at night- BATS- lots of them were all over the lobby ceiling. It was a free National Geographic experience- but we surrendered our 'backpacker' abilities and checked into the Marriott the next day.

We tried chicken rice balls and frozen ice with palm sugar, Chinese hot pot style satay, and more chicken rice - as well as the not so traditional delicacies of Irish Coffee in a Spanish bar!

It was fun not to be an organized city, things built on top of each other and just a little hectic. I like the heat, the call to prayer and the feeling of just being somewhere different. Can't wait for my next holiday.


At 1:15 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Eww HATE bats!! I'd take the Marriott anyday and TWICE on Sundays! xx

At 6:19 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

BATSSSSSS how coooolllll!!!!! I heard that people in Palau ate bats?! Funny how NOT ONE Palauan mentioned that to us when we were there. Sometimes I can't tell the difference b/w bats and birds - dey all up dere in dee airrrr, flapping about.

All the food you mention in here sounds greatttt!!! How did you like the food? Some say Malaysian food is a bit heavy, I can't wait to go in December...



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